


ONW Raven Pride Bands

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Saturday, February 8, 2025

ONW Event Entrance

Doors open at 5 p.m.

Dinner starts at 6 p.m.

The evening includes a BBQ dinner, along with exciting silent and live auctions. Entertainment features wonderful music performed by our Raven Jazz Ensembles and guest Jazz Ensembles from Prairie Trail Middle School and Summit Trail Middle School

Check out the Raven Band Auction starting Monday, January 13th to purchase your tables/tickets, raffle tickets, and "Heads or Tails" beads!

 IMPORTANT UPCOMING DATES--Mark your calendars:

January 13–Table sales begin! 

January 13--Auction Team Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Band Room

*If you’re interested in being a part of our Auction Team, you are welcome to join us!  

January 20–General Admission Tickets go on sale

January 21--General Blues & BBQ Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Band Room

*Anyone interested in helping with the event in any way is encouraged to attend this planning meeting, where we will finalize details and discuss implementation.

January 24– Deadline for Auction Items to be turned in at school!

    *This helps our team have time to catalog and prep our Auction items. (If you are working with a donor that has committed an item, but needs more time to get it to you, just contact Sarah at and we’ll work together.)

January 25th–mercy deadline

*items can be dropped off at the Nickel house between 9-2

February 1--Wrap Party! 9:00 a.m., Nickel house

*This is a fun party that everyone is welcome to attend! We will package up our silent auction baskets for display. If you have an eye for putting things together, or if you just enjoy being a worker bee, this is the place for you! Details to come.

February 4–All Volunteer Training, after the ONW Area Festival Concert

*Details to come

February 8 – Blues & BBQ! 5:00 doors open, 6:00 sit for dinner

Sponsorship Opportunities

Visit the Raven Band Store and donate today!

Raffle Sponsorship: $1500 (one available)

• Name/logo on raffle prizes/ticket boxes

• Sponsorship recognition in the online store for Raffle tickets

• Name/logo in catalog 

• Name/logo in event slideshow 

• Sponsor recognition with a brief promotional announcement before the raffle drawing

• Name/logo on Blues & BBQ page of BoosterHub website

• Optional: Three (3) sponsor-provided promotional items (“goodie bags”), one for each raffle prize winner

Heads or Tails Sponsorship: $1000 (one available)

• Name/logo feature at “Heads & Tails” table

• Sponsorship recognition in the online store for “Heads or Tails” beads

• Name/logo in catalog 

• Name/logo in event slideshow

• Sponsor recognition with a brief promotional announcement before the “Heads or Tails” game

• Name/logo on Blues & BBQ page of BoosterHub website

• Optional: One (1) sponsor-provided promotional item (“goodie bag”) for the prize winner

Event Sponsorship: $500 (unlimited)

• Name/logo in catalog 

• Name/logo in event slideshow

• Name listed on Blues & BBQ page of BoosterHub website

Click HERE to sign-up to be a Blues & BBQ Sponsor


Contact Sarah Nickel at for more details.

Getting Started Information

PDF files with important information for the auction have been placed in the "File Manager" section of BoosterHub. You will need to be logged in to your Raven Bands BoosterHub account to view/download them:

2025 Blues & BBQ Auction Packet - This is the primary source of information about the auction.  It also includes copies of the three items below.

2025 Blues & BBQ Donation Letter

2025 Blues & BBQ Donation Receipt

2025 Blues & BBQ Donation Turn-in Form

After following the link, click on the filename in the Boosterhub page that appears to show the file. When viewing the file, a button is shown in the upper right hand corner of the page that can be used to download it.

Blues & BBQ FAQs

Can I come and watch my kid play?

If you have purchased a ticket, then yes! Blues & BBQ is primarily a fundraiser, not a concert, so we require each person to have a ticket. We will have a sold-out room, so there won’t be a place to stand in the back to watch the performance.

If you can’t attend, then don’t worry; there will be another chance to see your jazz student perform at our spring Jazz Dance!

What do I wear?

Most people wear business casual or dressy casual. You’ll see anything from jeans or slacks and a nice sweater to slacks and a dressy top, maybe a skirt. You don’t see too many ties or fancy dresses, but it’s a fun night out, so you can dress up as much as you’d like!  

How do I get tickets?

Table sales start Monday, January 13th and General Admission tickets go on sale, Monday, January 20th.

Table options include VIP ($700) and Platinum ($600) 10-tops, Silver ($400) 6-tops, and Grand Patron ($250) 4-tops. GA tickets are $50 each and will be given assigned seats at 10-top tables with other GA ticket purchasers.

Go to Raven Band Auction to purchase tables/tickets, raffle tickets, and "Heads or Tails" beads starting January 13, 2025.

What time does everything start?

Doors open at 5 p.m. to browse our amazing silent auction items. Dinner will begin at 6 p.m. and jazz bands will play throughout the night.  A full schedule for the event will be posted when we get closer.

What food is being served?

We’re excited to share that this year’s Blues and BBQ meal will be catered by The Rub, with dessert from OATC (Olathe Advanced Technical Center) culinary arts! 

Menu is as follows: Pulled pork (sauce separate) Burnt ends (sauce separate) 

Bbq baked beans 

Cheesy corn 

White cheddar Mac and cheese 


Vanilla panna cotta with spiced apples and granola (all gluten free) (does contain milk) 

The mac and cheese and cornbread will be served separately to avoid cross contamination, as the rest of the meal is gluten free, according to The Rub. Please visit their website or reach out to their staff if you need further clarification on dietary restrictions. 

If you have more questions, please feel free to email the following to help you:

• Questions about tickets: email Beth at

• Questions about volunteering for the event: email Jennifer

• Questions about the silent or live auction or general event questions: email Sarah Nickel at

Blues & BBQ is a banquet and auction event. It is the largest fundraising event for the Olathe Northwest High School Band program, run by Olathe Northwest students, with assistance from parent volunteers. Over 3,100 businesses & sponsors have supported this banquet since its inception over 20 years ago, many of whom attend this event each and every year, along with many other community leaders and distinguished guests.  

Blues & BBQ is also the biggest opportunity for students to raise money for their individual band accounts. High school band students can earn money by bringing in items for our silent or live auction. Students will earn 60% of the selling price for items they bring in for the auction. Please see our Auction Packet for ideas on securing donations for these items. Students can also work shifts before or during the event and earn an hourly wage. 

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